Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Dec. 15 2006 - Christmas in China

Because Christmas is not celebrated in China, the 25th is a working day. I had to do some creative rearranging of my class in order to have the day off. It just seems wrong to work on Christmas. The students don't mind - it's another day off for them.
I've attached some pics of the tree in my apartment. Decorations are slim pickings over here - which is why we have a Santa on top of the tree - tightly secured with one of my hair elastics. Shopping for presents is tough over here - mostly because I don't speak Chinese. But that is slowly coming along.
I introduced a few of my classes to the Secret Santa tradition. Next week, they are exchanging gifts with each other in class, so I will take pictures and you can see what they do.
Speaking of pictures, if anyone would like to send me pics of their trees, decorations, wrapped presents, stockings, food, lights, etc I would really appreciate it. I'm trying to put together a Powerpoint for my classes and I think it's nicer to show how people I know celebrate instead of just stealing pics from the internet.

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